Access to Small Grants
Character Day Bahamas offers small grants of up to $1,000 to support character development projects at local schools and youth programs. Projects must contribute to our mission by creating character development opportunities that help to build character and stimulate conversations about character development.
Applications will be evaluated on the follow criteria:
Innovation - projects that support character development in new and thoughtful ways.
Active engagement – projects that provide participants with learning opportunities that actively build character strengths.
Needs - based approach – projects that address the specific character strengthening needs of your organization.
Impact - projects with longer term activities that go beyond a single day.
How to Apply
Sign up to host a Character Day Event at Sign up today
Am I Eligible to Apply?
Are you planning a character-based event for a school, or youth organization in The Bahamas?
Does your idea meet the application criteria?
Did you sign up to host a Character Day Event?
Download the small grant application from. Refer to the assessment rubric to help you to develop your proposal. Return the completed form to characterdaybahamas242@gmail.com Winners will be notified by October 31st.
Grant recipients are required to submit a report by May 31st.
Past Small Grant Winners
Andros We Care NPO, North Andros - A Sweet Character, Never a Sour Attitude
Ardastra Gardens Green Club - Let Peace Prevail
Arthur’s Town Comprehensive School, Cat Island - Unshakable Courage
Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) - Peace Begins with Me T-Shirt Design Competition and Showcase
Eight Mile Rock Seventh-Day Adventist Children’s Ministries, Grand Bahama - Kindness Empowerment Encouraging Positivity
Emily G Petty Primary School, Eleuthera - Peace Rock Garden
Journeys International - SOAR Above
Sister Mary Patricia Russell Jr. High School, Grand Bahama - Keeping Panthers Clean
Stapledon School and Centre for the Deaf - Peace is Possible
T. G. Glover PDR School - Creating, Cool, Calm and Confident Students for a Peaceful Tomorrow
A F Adderley Jr High - Planting Seeds, Reaping Love
Ardastra Gardens Green Club - It’s All About the Love
Behring Point Primary - A Splash of Love to Show we Care
Centreville Primary School - Disability: Compassion in Action, Dollars for the Disabled
Doris Johnson Sr. High Book Club - Book Writing & Publishing
Exuma Community Band - Thanksgiving through Music
George Town Primary & L N Coakley High School - Character Day Pep Rally & Together we Can Project
Hope Town Primary School - Preserving the Legacy of Bahamian Edible and Herbal Plants
Lewis Yard Primary & The Beacon School - The Pantry Program
Lowe Sound Primary School - A Labour of Love
North Eleuthera High School - The Power of Love
San Salvador Central High School - The Love Revolution: Character Growth at SSCHS
Self-Starters Shell Craft Club - SC McPherson Self Shellers
Stapeldon School - We Can
Willard Patton Preschool - We Care About Families
Every Child Counts, Abaco - Community Fruit Trees
Freeport Primary, Grand Bahama - Project Hygiene: Body Image, Self Image, Self Esteem
Journeys, New Providence - Healing Through Writing
St. Francis de Sales, Abaco - Plants for Your Heart
Willard Patton Preschool, New Providence - Together our Lights will Shine Brighter
Clara Evans Primary, Andros - Let Your Light Shine: Literacy, Numeracy, Food Drive, School Garden
E P Roberts Primary, New Providence - Proud to Be
Inspired By, New Providence - Self Awareness, Health, Education, Spirituality, My Responsibility
Centerville Primary, New Providence - Gratitude
Doris Johnson Senior High, New Providence - Guiding Light
T Bird Flyers, New Providence - Flyers that Soar
Grants Town Northern Stars Pathfinder Club, New Providence - Antibullying, Self-Defense Training, Community Giveaways
Boost Educational Services - Peer Tutoring for Under-Privileged Children
Catholic Board of Education - We Are Young, We Are Responsible
Centerville Primary School - Caring & Respect
Clara Evans Primary School - Growing Character
Journeys International - …because we care
Chosen Generation Youth Ministry - Fostering Leadership in Ministry
Kiwanis Club of Central Abaco - Creating a Kiwanis Garden. Planting Fruit bearing Trees and a garden for youths to maintain along with a play area.
Lewis Yard Primary School - “Packed with Love!” & “Special Kits for Special Kids”
R. M. Bailey Senior High School - Pacer’s Sanitary Closet
School Psychological Services Unit- Spare it & Share it: Paying it Forward 2021
TBird Flyers Track Club - Character Begins with Flyers
T.G. Glover Primary School - Most Improved Character Check (M.I.C. Check) Character Education Initiative
Trinity Christian Schools - I Am the Reason
Uriah McPhee Primary School - A Puppet Show. “A Creative Expression, Exploring Humanity”
E. P. Roberts Primary School, New Providence: Virtual Character Building
Rolleville Primary School, Exuma: ‘Let your Light Shine’
The Bahamas National Drug Council: ‘Youth 2 Youth: Kindness Matters ‘
Bahamas National Trust Discovery Club: Five Star Forest Project
Full Life Outreach (FLO): Campus Beautification project
C.C. Sweeting Senior High School: Character through service
Sr. School Psychological Services, New Providence: ‘I am - Character Education for a Digital Lifestyle’
C. C Sweeting Senior High School, New Providence: Character Building Through Service
Club E2, Exuma: Social Responsibility & Random Acts of Kindness
Mangrove Bush Primary School, Long Island: We Care
Character Day Bahamas is hosted by the PACE Foundation with funding from the Templeton World Charity Foundation Inc.